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Old 21st February 2017, 12:30 PM   #1
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Marriage versus world politics

My wife was born in Russia but she has not lived there for decades having travelled the world. We met in London many years ago and finally married in 2010. For the first couple of years everything was just fine, maybe it was the romance of a new life, or maybe new friends and horizons. But then things began to quickly change.

World politics started to darken, and by many people Russia was not seen in a friendly light which my wife began to see as a personal insult to her. I will not dwell on situations such as Crimea, The Olympics, Syria but as each developed and was reported in the media her moods became blacker and she began to withdraw, her ethnic friends slowly drifted away as they disagreed with her loyalty.

Now she just sits at home in a grumpy uncommunicative mood, seeing any disagreement, however minor, as a personal insult against her because she is russian. We rarely speak as any conversation will quickly trigger her conviction that the whole world is against her and Russia. Hour after hour she watches a state controlled russian TV channel which is considered to be mainly propaganda.
I have thought about disposing of our TV but this would almost certainly reinforce her viewpoint.

I have tried to discuss with her that if she felt happier going back to live in Russia then I would pay her living expenses, a flat, and her air fare but she doesn't want to go back.

So we sit at home with very little communication or happiness.I am getting very depressed and fear I will soon break and become violent out of frustration. We have tried counselling but it didn't help and often made the situation worse.

Please - help - what can I do ??

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