Thread: Baronness
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Old 16th December 2011, 05:38 AM   #289
Posts: n/a
Re: Husband doesn't want sex

Dear Baroness..

I guess I messed up to try to explain about this thread not being diary for anyone, but a forum of discussion.You are very reactive, even with my try to be very tactful. It is not about women here to judge you. If that was my stick, to judge you, I would spend my time elsewhere. I would not have exchanged personal emails or ideas to assist you at all. In fact you can earn some extra funds and enjoy to do the hatmaking because it was my suggestion. Sorry, you feel so misunderstood.

If you started the other thread that would be on topic. That is what several here suggested. The one thread closes..that is all. That puts a thread on topic and allows others to post on the subject. That isn't about ganging up on anyone! It was your thread because you made it all about you, and not for others to talk about their issues on an open discussion forum. That is what was explained.

Maybe that is part of the problem in the relationship, that you may jump to wrong conclusions quickly. Does that mean I think you are all at fault? Good gosh, no. I don't think anyone thinks Gabby is a bad guy either! If a person sided with you, on problems you told us about here, then you say we judge you or dislike him! I said I thought he could be MORE sensitive to the issues.

I think men are like "motor oil" at times about some issues. I guess that is the most supportive thing one could say to you, right? Yet you think that is a condemnation of him. I think we don't agree on communication.

When one chooses to post here it is specifically to invite others opinions. That you heard from different people. Right or wrong, they told you what they thought. Why ask for their opinions if you are so defensive? I thought you had also some fine ideas and thoughts from others and from the nicest intent for you. I'd just say "thanks " and disregard what isn't helpful to you. That is a forum discussion. Some say go, another to stay. It i show each sees the issues.

I will not post here now because it isn't being accepted in the spirit it is offered. I wish you the best.

Last edited by 1aokgal; 16th December 2011 at 06:20 AM.