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Old 4th March 2020, 10:08 AM   #13
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Re: Wife Wants a Divorce Because Of No Work...

Originally Posted by musicworld View Post

I decided to add this post to find out where I stand in the law of marriage, the story goes... I was made redundant some time ago due to the crisis and have been unemployed ever since (six months) I have seeked to find work in all areas but due to living on a tourist island (Tenerife) I've been extremely limited in finding a full time position. My wife works full time as a sales rep and receives a wealthy income each month due to high sales, so her supporting the both of us since my redundancy has not would you say crippled her account in any way.

However that is not the point, I being the man understand I'm obligated in a marriage to provide and support for my wife’s needs, but this has just not been possible due to where we live, and its come to the point where she can't bear the fact of me not working any more and bringing in an income.

I admit I completely agree with her attitude and as a result I'm feeling ashamed and terribly embarrassed about the whole thing that is why I've strongly suggested that we both move back to the UK where there is a greater opportunity for me to work, but she has rejected this offer due to her high position of work and saying that she’s happy where she is, but at the same time has threatened to kick me out and is considering divorce.

We’ve been married five years, to encapsulate our relationship would be to say where compatible, faithful, honest, and caring for each other, I myself don’t drink smoke or do drugs and there is no signs of physical abuse towards each other. but i being a christian just can't except the fact that she wants a divorce, So considering we are man & wife and the house is in her name could she stand any grounds in a court of law as apposed to having me evicted even though we are married?
My divorce story taught me with one truth: the more powerful and independent a wife is, the less her husband will earn. The more a woman will be occupied with the house and children, the more comfortable the family nest will be, the more the man will earn. This is how human instincts work. In what case can a husband’s low income be a reason for divorce? To me, there is only one thing: if a man categorically does not want to take on financial responsibility and maintaining a family, along with household chores and raising children. If a man earns not much, but is actively involved in household chores and spends a lot of time with children, this is another matter. Perhaps he just lacks professional confidence. My ex wanted to relax all the time and doesn’t seem having any opportunity to move on and grow professionally or in any other way. He wasn’t involved in relationship and I had to proceed to do it yourself divorce forms, because I supposed that we shall never get separated. Still, if you are looking for career opportunities and would like to do smth for your family, why not to try saving family or even may be family counselling?
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