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Old 24th December 2010, 08:18 PM   #16
Posts: n/a
Re: I don't want to get a divorce

My husband does not have to do anything to prove his love for me. I know have to work on forgetting my past. In the past month I learned that nothing is as important to me than him.

I am willing to give up living a part for my career and humbling myself. I know many women that wished they had a man like him. I have to work on loving myself before I can give him the love that he deserves.

My hope is that he will get over his pride. You have hit the nail on the head on his feelings.

I also think I need to let go of communicating with his family. It is hard because I have a very close relationship with his sister. I raised her for 2 years while their mother went through a divorce. She says I am the only one who was there for her when she really needed someone.

Do you really think it can be repaired? Any more advice on how to repair the situation. I really don't want to air our business on facebook but that is the only way we are kinda communicating with each other. When he sent me a hateful message I replied with a peaceful one.

I am also curious why you say to remain friend on facebook?
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