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Old 21st April 2013, 11:19 AM   #19
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Re: When marriage meets physical disability-Urgent Advice please

Well, I can understand (first hand and repeatedly) that when our world is crumbling around us, we think God is sleeping at the helm...or we are too insignificant for Him to care or even take notice of us. But He isn't. That is the time that OUR faith in Him goes through the fires of testing.

This is when Heaven seems silent or like an impenetrable fortress...and it can last a long time...time that can send what you believe in and hope for...the goodness of God, into a downward spiral.

When this happens, I have learned to stand firm on His Goodness, His Love for me (in spite of my small residual faith in Him), His provisions, His Kindness and His Mercy.

I gain an audience personally by intense prayer and fasting...for as long as it takes to know that He hears my impassioned pleas. Now, He can show me that in many many ways...but the idea is that I will know that I have broken through that silence and can stand firm knowing that whatever comes my way is His Will for my life...OR the life of someone who needs Him...such as you do.

I will do just wait on HIM (not on me)...if you "hear" His "voice" in your inner spirit giving you instructions, guidance, direction, comfort or impressing anything significant on assured that He has His eye on you and yours...and do not be shaken. He will reestablish you and your faith...though for now, you are bowed down low.

I have no instructions for you...just wait on HIM.
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