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Old 31st December 2012, 12:02 AM   #409
Posts: n/a
Re: Advice and support needed please.


Clearly you and I are made differently. If he did not pack his toiletries together and get home THAT day, I'd long have given him walking papers. He needs to bow out gracefully from HER??
What do you see in this shallow, selfish man that you put your dignity, humiliated at every point,
and take it he will come back at his good time?

I'd have consulted an attorney and have separation papers served on him at the new (his chosen) address. Dear lady, you got crumbs here for this character. He is a liar, cheat, and despicable father for what he has shown his sons and he already went through the marriage go round with another before you. Doubtless he was in it with you before he ended that one?
You have nothing to salvage as I can see. He plays the he loves you, he loves her. What a popular 70 year old man he is!!

You are worth far more than the scraps he gives you. Chang the locks and cut off the calls. Let him stay where he is now. I bet he performs so poorly she won't want him long either!
Examine when the marriage was good and met your needs. Then make some decisions to move on without him.

Last edited by 1aokgal; 31st December 2012 at 04:51 AM.
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