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Old 11th July 2010, 07:47 AM   #106
So alone
Posts: n/a
Re: Long term relationship on the rocks

Hey Wiggle,

I think the same as d&c and think that anyone who treats you that lamely and appallingly WILL have a lot of guilt somewhere inside them.

It will catch up with him eventually because in life you can not run away from your own shadow. People try to, some people permanently run away from facing things but all they are doing is delaying the inevitable and whilst they do that they have not got peace in their heart, nor are they truly happy. Their heart is not at rest and these people are afraid and so live their life with that. In doing so they miss out on all that life brings. That's a half life and a very sad one.
I know for me, I do not want to live like that.
One day he will have to face everything he has done to you.
You're heart is strong - that's why it is so painful because you aren't afraid. You have helped me and so many others so much, even through all of what has been happening to me.

That's real.
That's strength and that's true kindness and love.
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