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Old 15th January 2010, 04:10 AM   #74
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Talking Re: I don't love my wife and never have...

Hi Johnymac;
I can't tell you what you should do, but I will say this. I stayed for my kids but that's not the right reason to stay. It's worst to grow up in a unhappy family. If there is no connection, or communication there's not much to save. But if you have all that in your marriage then, I would say the trouble is within yourself. You might need to look inside yourself and try to find out what it is about your marriage rubs you the wrong way. Because if it is just that you feel that she trapped you, that's not going to work because you could have said no. It's okay to just say "I just don't love her" that was my truth. I'm not saying this is how your story goes, maybe you do really do love her, maybe not. But if you have one person in love it can not turn out well for everyone, someone is going to get hurt. Know why you want this change before making that desired change. No matter what you do best of luck, I hope things work out for you.

Sorry don't mean to sound like an horses b-hind if I did.
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