Thread: I need help
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Old 10th February 2014, 07:25 PM   #15
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Re: I need help

We are all individuals with value systems and beliefs. I think more marriages hit the skids from financial problems than infidelity. That is why a couple has to be attuned in how they both handle money. Couples should understand that a stable life together depends on sound money management.

I am glad we could do nice things for my daughter/family that improves her life. She is a hard worker who owns her home and she manages pretty smart on her salary. We gifted her above that to get lovely brick mantle gas fireplace. That improves the warmth and coziness of her place. She has a 2nd floor and it was colder inside without two heating systems, as we have here. That was best thing we could do for her. We delayed some redo on our home for future time.

I think as you do, it is good if one can contribute to some charitable causes and I do regularly to several. One is a wonderful pet shelter here. This place does an amazing job to take abused, abandoned pets and get them adopted. The place is so clean, it is a model of fine animal care. I visited there a couple years ago and put that place into our budget. They have space for only small animals.

Many of the dogs are pedigreed, yet they are often in such sad states and need considerable VET care before adoption. I got my own little Pekinese there. He is so sweet, adorable little guy and now he is so happy. I can't understand ill treated animals! I take Dipper to daycare kid care, once or twice a week for half days. That is the time I run my errands and grocery shop. No little kids! Funny to see him play with other little dogs when we pick him up. We get his report card at day end and laugh about that. The dogs even get an ice cream treat for extra cost, of course. Yes, it is an industry that does well in US. In the states we have a lot of dog parks and care centers. I guess they say we are the country with the most pets.

I remember some real lean years in our early married times. It takes a strong work ethic in todays' world to build a secure life. We don't plan to spend our later years trying to survive on Social Security income so we save today for tomorrow, as everyone should plan to do. Tomorrow will come and if you blow it all away today, old age will be bleak. As the bible says, there is a season for everything. When people go through hard times they appreciate more to build security and safety. My husband and I both have some serious health concerns which is a true test of faith.

We keep the future in mind when we budget for something we want. Vacations are not in our game plan. My husband travels overseas for business, so he is glad to be home. I prefer to enjoy the home and surrounding area and put funds toward home improvements and retirement. I am content to take the dog to dog park or go for leisurely drive some miles away. That is my vacation right here.

Money does NOT buy happiness, it simply buys more choices in life than what one normally has without it. One can go to the best doctor to treat the illness or enjoy the stress free existence to own the home with no mortgage. We paid cash for our home years ago, so I never have to write that monthly check. That detail represents years of hard work and careful planning. Security is gained with careful planning, it doesn't just happen to most people.

Last edited by 1aokgal; 13th February 2014 at 04:43 PM.
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