Thread: Just a Mess
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Old 12th December 2007, 08:36 PM   #6
Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 6,409
Re: Just a Mess

It's nice to hear that it's not her mother controlling her Martin. It may be that she is feeling insecure for some reason and you need to work at understanding her perhaps so that she doesn't need to keep going home. Just a thought. There is obviously something wrong somewhere in her perception of things.

It's great to know that you went on an Alpha course and received some healing from God. Your very best hope in my view is to follow Him and find out about what a christian marriage should be. He is very concerned as it happens. You can't change your wife but you can be the best you can be as a christian and I can almost guarantee a response by your wife eventually.

You have a lot going for you. God is obviously moving in your life and her father's life. This can run through the whole family. I think her parents would be good allies if you get to know them a bit more. You are in a very good position if you can get through this crisis and I feel you can with God's help.

Don't mention the word divorce again if you can help it. There is a spirit behind it that doesn't make for security and will not help you in your resolve to make it work. Dwell on the positive which you have. You are still newly wed and you will both be maturing and learning through this. I think you have a great future.

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