Thread: Hope Springs
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Old 8th October 2012, 10:35 AM   #55
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Re: Hope Springs

My children were past the age of Harry Potter books when they came out(thankfully), but no I wouldnt have let them read them for the same reason as halloween because it dabbles in things that we are forbidden by God to get involved in. I believe strongly that God says that for a very good reason. I appreciate how popular they are, but often we need to 'go against the flow' as it were. Same as with all those new programmes/flims that are obsessed with vampires, its all going the same route sadly.

I suppose that I disagree that we cant have fun unless we get involved in such things.
IN the UK we have fireworks night on 5th november, which is the main autumn celebration. I have such happy memories of that night as a child with bonfires and fireworks and hot soup, and we always took my kids to displays or to friends houses to enjoy that evening. There are so many other things to enjoy that are good for us.

If those people you mentioned had been true believers they would not have hung or burned people.

The uk is in the middle of 'debating' gay marriage. Sadly our deputy leader is greatly in favour(he isnt a Christian)but there is a lot of opposition, not only from religious groups, but from ordinary people. Even many gays oppose it. They already have civil partnerships, so legally they are protected. I will be very sad if it gets approved and voted in. Its just one more attemnt to try to oust God from life, and I can only see the UK suffering if it goes through.
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