Thread: I can't let go!
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Old 5th September 2013, 05:41 PM   #11
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Re: I can't let go!

Well, the overnite fishing trips would be difficult because I work full time. Remember, he's retired. Any of these trips would call for me to take time off from work. What I need to do at this point is start planning my own getaways, on my own free time!

Now, considering financials... we already have seperate accounts, and he is very secretive about his finances. He retired when he was 55, and I assumed he was in good shape to do so. I know his sport fishing is expensive, but he always claims he's broke when I mention doing something together. He is adamant about me paying half of all the bills. He says its only fair since I live here too. I have never believed the "broke" story. I have always worked and contributed to all living expenses. I truly believe he's got savings that he is hiding from me. He will complain about not having money to cover all the bills when he wants half from me, but he's not trying to work. He seems to be very content with his retirement budget. I have thought hard about ALL of this!
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