Thread: I can't let go!
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Old 5th September 2013, 04:10 PM   #9
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Re: I can't let go!

Thanks! So much great advice here!
Interestingly enough, last night I tried to (very calmly) talk to him about my feelings and show him some of the communications between them that would lead anyone to believe something was going on. I'm so tired of him telling me its all in my head, I was finally ready to share some of the documented conversations and writings I had collected from his fishing site and her blog. Again, he became very angry... told me I was crazy, fked up, and he didn't know how much more he could take of my accusations. He said by me bringing documented conversations that meant nothing, just that I was pointing the finger at him and he's tired of it. He asked me why I wasn't saying anything about "L", another wowan he has taken out fishing (he claims one time), then showed me her picture from his fishing site. I told him of course I didn't know anything about her, not like all the history of him and this one woman. He claims they are all fishing friends, and I could take all my private eye work and beat myself up with it all I wanted. He said he doesn't take me fishing because I dont know how to fish and he doesn't have the patience to deal with me. He goes out to fish, not babysit me. He was tired of me smothering him, asking where he was and what he was doing all because I think something is going on. I tried to point some things out to him in her blog, and he said I was reading too much into it, and that it was not about him. He was extremely upset and defensive. I told him that was not making me feel any better about any of this. If there was truly nothing to this he would be able to listen and see the things I was trying to show him. He kept pushing me away from the computer, didn't want to hear anything, and took my folder of information away from me and threw it on the floor... saying it was trash. He said, "That poor girl thinks you are crazy" I walked away from that encounter very calmly, with a smile... because I'm starting to get tired of trying to reach him, yet relieved to show him I have so much proof. He is really trying to drive it into me that I'm crazy, losing my mind and wrong to accuse him.

I don't know where I am with all of this, and starting to feel like I just want some space and time out. I'm exhausted, mentally beat up. I really need a break!
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