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Old 31st May 2011, 10:33 PM   #178
Posts: n/a
Re: Husband doesn't want sex

He's not seeing anyone else because I asked him and he said he hasn't been with another woman since he met me. It was about three years ago that we had good sex and since then it has been going downhill with him not keeping a **** on. He's 65 and i'm 55 and he told me once he doesn't know why but he gets more tired now and then apologized. That was about a year ago. I have written a letter to him, sweet and simple that I missed being with him sexually and he doesn't like to get letters and says I should just talk to him but when I try to talk to him he doesn't want to admit there is a problem. After this morning I just poured my heart out to God and I feel better.
You are right, people can live without sex, I just didn't want to be one of them. He does still try though and I do get pleasure but i'm not too sure he does. He likes sex or always has and so when I say i've had to adjust I mean over the past few years. I am still attracted to him and I asked him if he was attracted to me and he said of course he was, how could I ask such a thing and that he loved me very much.
I think it is his age because he spent a lot of time in bars drinking previously and I think its catching up to him. Maybe he was an alcoholic but he seems fine without drinking. I read up on alcoholics not performing anymore and so it fits but all I know is that I love him and for me to do this I have to be in touch with God on a daily basis. I thank you for your advice but if he can't have sex with me he certainly isn't having it with another person and God is a priority so I don't think he would do that. Besides, there are times when he is passionate and I see the old him but its few and far in between.
I will be fine. I just have to deal with this and maybe not think about it so much. It's hard and I don't mean to sound like a woman who has to have sex every day but I just miss it because it was so good. Thank you so much for encouraging me and giving me advice. It helps to come on here and talk about it and I hope you aren't getting tired of me talking.
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