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For Better...Forever! : A Catholic Guide to Lifelong Marriage

By Gregory K. Popcak


Popcak brings a marriage counselor's heart and a comedian's wit to this resource on love and marriage. He's passionate about the subject and obviously had a great time writing this book, as evidenced by such chapter titles as "Holy Sex, Batman!" and "Der Intimacy Ist Good, Jah?" Popcak's advice for creating strong, loving marriages is biblically based, while quotes from the likes of Paul Reiser and Sting give the book a distinctly 90's feel. A wealth of quizzes, self-tests, and intimacy-building exercises makes this one of the more interactive marriage books on the market...." I hope this book will help you live For Better...FOREVER!

As one customer wrote "Thanks to to Mr. Popcak for the best book I ever had in my hands to help a troubled marriage. This book has many words of wisdom and practical advice for all marriages. Using the applications he gives you, My husband and I are on our way to an even higher level of intimacy than ever before and we have just started to work at it. This book is funny and serious. I enjoyed every word."

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